dorsetcountrylifeApr 21, 2023How to Make KefirKefir is a yogurt-like drink that can easily be made at home and is made with Kefir grains. These are yellow white little rubbery looking...
dorsetcountrylifeMar 31, 2023How to Make Sourdough BreadI have to admit the first loaf of sourdough I ever made was a great success and I was very smug and took all the credit for the absolute...
dorsetcountrylifeMar 24, 2023How to Make KombuchaI have not made Kombucha before, so as a complete novice I decided to play it safe and get help from the experts. So I am starting with A...
dorsetcountrylifeMar 10, 2023How to Make Easy KimchiKimchi is a Korean fermented vegetable dish that is now made and eaten all over the world. You will find many “original “ and “...
dorsetcountrylifeMar 3, 2023How to Make Homemade YoghurtWhen all of my children lived at home when they were younger, I always made my own yogurt. They grew up and flew the next and somewhere...
dorsetcountrylifeFeb 17, 2023How to make Homemade SauerkrautI decided Sauerkraut was a good starting point on my fermentation journey. It’s a very easy thing to make and I had grown some red...
dorsetcountrylifeFeb 10, 2023Introducing Fermentation FridaysI have recently become very interested in fermented foods and drinks and the health benefits they have. I am also interested in the fact...
dorsetcountrylifeSep 19, 2022How to Make Your Own CiderI just love autumn foraging and gathering and one of my most favourite jobs is going to the orchard and collecting apples. We are very...